King of the planets

Jupiter First Light
One of my first two Jupiter images. Io and Europa are visible.
Taken on: 2013-01-09, 23:12 UTC+1
Exposures: 1800 x 5 ms at 20 db gain
Stacked in Registax
Very inexpertly post-processed in The Gimp
Taken on: 2013-01-09, 23:12 UTC+1
Exposures: 1800 x 5 ms at 20 db gain
Stacked in Registax
Very inexpertly post-processed in The Gimp

Jupiter System First Light
One of my first two Jupiter images. Io had just moved behind Jupiter, but Europa, Ganymed and Callisto are visible.
Taken on: 2013-01-10, 00:09 UTC+1
Exposures: 800 x 3 ms at 22 db gain
Stacked in Registax
Very inexpert post-processing in Registax and The Gimp
Taken on: 2013-01-10, 00:09 UTC+1
Exposures: 800 x 3 ms at 22 db gain
Stacked in Registax
Very inexpert post-processing in Registax and The Gimp

Jupiter with GRS
First half-way decent image of Jupiter ;-)
Taken on: 2013-01-25, 00:25 UTC+1
Exposures: 7500 x 3 ms at 22 db gain
Stacking and post-processing in Registax
Taken on: 2013-01-25, 00:25 UTC+1
Exposures: 7500 x 3 ms at 22 db gain
Stacking and post-processing in Registax

Jupiter Composite with Moons
Jupiter with all four Galilean moons and two faint reddish background stars. This is a composite of 3 exposures.
Taken on: 2013-03-26, 20:37 UTC+1
Exposures A: 500 x 4 ms at 24 db gain
Exposures B: 100 x 30 ms at 24 db gain
Exposures B: 100 x 750 ms at 24 db gain
Custom compositing based on HALCON
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing in Registax
Taken on: 2013-03-26, 20:37 UTC+1
Exposures A: 500 x 4 ms at 24 db gain
Exposures B: 100 x 30 ms at 24 db gain
Exposures B: 100 x 750 ms at 24 db gain
Custom compositing based on HALCON
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing in Registax

Opening 2013/2014 Jupiter Season
Taken on: 2013-12-11, 03:35 UTC+1
Exposures: 10000 x 6 ms at using 12 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing in Registax
Exposures: 10000 x 6 ms at using 12 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing in Registax

Jupiter with Moons
Taken on: 2013-12-11, 03:30 UTC+1
Exposures: 2000 x 6 ms at using 10 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing in Registax
Exposures: 2000 x 6 ms at using 10 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing in Registax

Jupiter with longer exposure
Playing around with longer exosure / reduced gain
Taken on: 2013-12-27, 01:38 UTC+1
Exposures: 4000 x 20 ms at using 3 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing in Registax
Exposures: 4000 x 20 ms at using 3 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing in Registax

Io transit - static image
Io transit occuring about 18h prior to opposition
Taken on: 2014-01-5, 04:47 UTC+1
Exposures: 4000 x 30 ms at f/20 using 14 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing in PixInsight
Exposures: 4000 x 30 ms at f/20 using 14 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing in PixInsight

Io transit - animated GIF
Io transit occuring about 18h prior to opposition
Taken on: 2014-01-5, 04:04 - 06:23 UTC+1
Exposures: 23 x 4000 x (20/30) ms at f/20 using 18 / 14 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing in PixInsight
Animation in ImageMagick
Exposures: 23 x 4000 x (20/30) ms at f/20 using 18 / 14 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing in PixInsight
Animation in ImageMagick

Great Red Spot taken near opposition
Unfortunately wind, clouds, and poor seeing.
Taken on: 2014-01-7, 04:55 UTC+1
Exposures: 4000 x 30 ms at f/20 using 14 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing in PixInsight
Exposures: 4000 x 30 ms at f/20 using 14 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing in PixInsight

Great Red Spot and Great Seeing
Good seeing and focus, up to now my best Jupiter shot by far.
Taken on: 2014-01-10, 02:37 UTC+1
Exposures: 4000 x 30 ms at f/20 using 14 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing in PixInsight
Exposures: 4000 x 30 ms at f/20 using 14 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing in PixInsight

Io transit 3 weeks after opposition
Io transit egress. Note how shadow-moon distance increased over the last 3 weeks
Taken on: 2014-01-30, 00:26 UTC+1
Exposures: 4000 x 26 ms at f/20 using 16 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing in PixInsight
Exposures: 4000 x 26 ms at f/20 using 16 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing in PixInsight

Europa transit - moon egress
View the full animation of Europa and GRS transit.
Taken on: 2014-02-02, 23:25 UTC+1
Exposures: 2000 x 25 ms at f/20 using 14 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing in PixInsight
Exposures: 2000 x 25 ms at f/20 using 14 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing in PixInsight

Europa transit - shadow egress
View the full animation of Europa and GRS transit.
Taken on: 2014-02-03, 0:46 UTC+1
Exposures: 2000 x 25 ms at f/20 using 14 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing in PixInsight
Exposures: 2000 x 25 ms at f/20 using 14 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing in PixInsight
Unless otherwise stated, all astrophotos were taken with a Celestron CPC 800 XLT (8″ f/10 SCT) using a Flea 3 camera (FL3-GE-13S2-C).