Our very own
Full Moon First Light (Mobile Phone)
This was my first astrophoto, taken on December 29th 2012 with a mobile phone held to the eye piece.
Waxin Gibbous Curve
First moon image with the Flea3. Originally intended for a mosaic that failed due to brightness variations, insufficient overlap and missing a piece of the moon due to field rotation. Deleted original frames, in the process lost exposure info encoded in file names.
Taken on: 2013-01-22, 21:30 UTC+1
Exposures: Likely 500 x 5 ms at low gain
Stacked and post-processed in Registax
Taken on: 2013-01-22, 21:30 UTC+1
Exposures: Likely 500 x 5 ms at low gain
Stacked and post-processed in Registax
Copernicus crater (diameter 93 km). Originally intended for a mosaic that failed due to brightness variations, insufficient overlap and missing a piece of the moon due to field rotation. Deleted original frames, in the process lost exposure info encoded in file names.
Taken on: 2013-01-22, 21:30 UTC+1
Exposures: Likely 500 x 5 ms at low gain
Stacked and post-processed in Registax
Taken on: 2013-01-22, 21:30 UTC+1
Exposures: Likely 500 x 5 ms at low gain
Stacked and post-processed in Registax
New Moon
The first slice of new moon shortly after sunset.
Taken on: 2013-03-12, 19:12 UTC+1
Exposures: 250 x 20 ms at 22 db gain
Stacked and post-processed in Registax
Taken on: 2013-03-12, 19:12 UTC+1
Exposures: 250 x 20 ms at 22 db gain
Stacked and post-processed in Registax
Waxing Crescent
An attempt to squeeze more of the Moon on the chip using a 0.5 x focal reducer.
Taken on: 2013-04-14, 22:32 UTC+2
Exposures: 500 x 1 ms at f/5 with 24 db gain
Stacked and post-processed in Registax
Taken on: 2013-04-14, 22:32 UTC+2
Exposures: 500 x 1 ms at f/5 with 24 db gain
Stacked and post-processed in Registax
Full Moon First Light (Galileoscope)
First image taken with Galileoscope. A 0.5 x focal reducer was needed to make the full moon fit on the chip.
Taken on: 2013-05-25, 02:26 UTC+2
Exposures: 250 x 0.2 ms at f/5 with 24 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing with Registax
Taken on: 2013-05-25, 02:26 UTC+2
Exposures: 250 x 0.2 ms at f/5 with 24 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing with Registax
Waxing Crescent (Galileoscope)
An exposure at dusk of the waxing crescent moon. By turning the camera it was just possible to fit it on the chip without focal reducer.
Taken on: 2013-06-14, 20:49 UTC+2
Exposures: 100 x 2 ms with 24 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing with Registax
Taken on: 2013-06-14, 20:49 UTC+2
Exposures: 100 x 2 ms with 24 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing with Registax
Shadows of Montes Caucasus
Detail view of Montes Caucasus on waxing crescent moon, casting long shadows over Mare Imbrium. The largest crater is Aristoteles with a diameter of 87km. The image was taken shortly after sunset.
Taken on: 2013-08-13, 21:45 UTC+2
Exposures: 300 x 7 ms with 24 db gain
Stacking and post-processing with Registax
Exposures: 300 x 7 ms with 24 db gain
Stacking and post-processing with Registax
Another terminator shot, including the two large craters Hipparchus (diameter 150km) and Albategnius (136km).
Taken on: 2013-09-02, 21:47 UTC+2
Exposures: 600 x 7 ms with 24 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing with Registax
Exposures: 600 x 7 ms with 24 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing with Registax
Daylight Moon (Galileoscope)
Quick morning shot of waning gibbous moon in Galileoscope. Despite the small scope the Moon did not fit comfortably on the chip so this is a mosaic of two images.
Taken on: 2013-10-23, 09:10 UTC+2
Exposures: 2 x 150 x 500 us with 20 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Mosaic composed with Hugin
Post-processing with Registax
Exposures: 2 x 150 x 500 us with 20 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Mosaic composed with Hugin
Post-processing with Registax
Airplane passing New Moon (Galileoscope)
An airplane crosses the field of view while imaging the one day old Moon crescent.
Taken on: 2014-01-02, 17:25 UTC+1
Exposures: 30 x 70 ms at f/5 with 7 db gain
Unprocessed frames combined into animation
Exposures: 30 x 70 ms at f/5 with 7 db gain
Unprocessed frames combined into animation
New Moon Crescent (Galileoscope)
An airplane crosses the field of view while imaging the one day old Moon crescent.
Taken on: 2014-01-02, 17:29 UTC+1
Exposures: 1200 x 80 ms at f/5 with 7 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing with PixInsight
Exposures: 1200 x 80 ms at f/5 with 7 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing with PixInsight
New Moon in Earthshine (Galileoscope)
Long exposure of the one day old Moon crescent reveal the full Moon disk illuminated in Earthshine.
Taken on: 2014-01-02, 17:44 UTC+1
Exposures: 200 x 1 sec at f/5 with 14 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing with PixInsight
Exposures: 200 x 1 sec at f/5 with 14 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing with PixInsight
Plato and Montes Alpes
Detail view of Plato and Montes Alpes
Taken on: 2014-01-10, 00:24 UTC+1
Exposures: 200 x 25 ms with 0 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing with PixInsight
Exposures: 200 x 25 ms with 0 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Post-processing with PixInsight
Moon Crescent Mosaic
A 5 tile mosaic. Full resolution image link [JPG 2666x2361]
Taken on: 2013-04-14, 22:32 UTC+2
Exposures: 5 x 100 x 1 ms with 24 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Mosaic assembled using iMerge
Post-processing with PixInsight
Exposures: 5 x 100 x 1 ms with 24 db gain
Custom stacking based on HALCON
Mosaic assembled using iMerge
Post-processing with PixInsight
Unless otherwise stated, all astrophotos were taken with a Celestron CPC 800 XLT (8″ f/10 SCT) using a Flea 3 camera (FL3-GE-13S2-C).