
Gallery » Miscellaneous
Odds and ends
Balcony Viewing
Balcony Viewing
A view of my observing location on a 15th floor balcony facing SW in central The Hague, Netherlands. Featuring my Celestron CPC 800 XLT with Flea3 attached.
Rating: 5.00
EWI building
EWI building
Captured a shot of the EWI building at TU Delft from about 7 km distance. Taken at f/5, stacked 250 frames in Registax.
Galileoscope on Rails
Galileoscope on Rails
Finally found a gadget to attach the Galileoscope to the balcony railing like I envisioned it.
Peace Palace
Peace Palace
Clock of peace palace in The Hague, imaged at night from 2.5 km distance. Stacked 100 x 600 ms exposures.

Unless otherwise stated, all astrophotos were taken with a Celestron CPC 800 XLT (8″ f/10 SCT) using a Flea 3 camera (FL3-GE-13S2-C).