
Gallery » Deep Sky
Star Clusters, Galaxies, Nebulae
Orion Nebula / Trapezium
Orion Nebula / Trapezium
Core of Orion Nebula including the Trapezium, and first attempt at deep sky object. Some artefacts at the bright stars that are possibly internal reflections. Accidentally attached camera via star diagonal.
Taken on: 2013-01-12, 21:59 UTC+1
Exposures: 1000 x 2 s at 24 db gain
Stacked in Deep Sky Stacker
Post-processed in The Gimp
Orion Nebula / Trapezium
Orion Nebula / Trapezium
Core of Orion Nebula through a 0.5 x focal reducer.
Taken on: 2013-04-02, 22:20 UTC+2
Exposures: 150 x 3.6 s at f/5 and 24 db gain
Stacked in Deep Sky Stacker
Post-processed in Registax
Globular Cluster M3
Globular Cluster M3
First test of Flea3 firmware update that allowed exposures longer than 3.6 s
Taken on: 2013-04-17, 01:27 UTC+2
Exposures: 200 x 10 s at f/5 and 24 db gain
Stacked in Deep Sky Stacker
Post-processed in Registax
M63 (Sunflower Galaxy)
M63 (Sunflower Galaxy)
My first galaxy image ... room for improvement
Taken on: 2013-05-28, 01:00 UTC+2
Exposures: 20 x 32 s at 24 db gain
Custom stacking in HALCON
Post-processed in Registax
Ring Nebula (M57)
Ring Nebula (M57)
The ring nebula in Lyrae. It is a small object with relatively high surface brightness so it turned out rather well. Taken on: 2013-07-16 01:35 UTC+2
Exposures: 88 x 10 s at f/5 and 24 db gain
Custom stacking in HALCON
Post-processed in Registax
Dumbbell Nebula (M27)
Dumbbell Nebula (M27)
The planetary nebula M27 in Vulpecula. Taken on: 2013-08-28 00:30 UTC+2
Exposures: 150 x 10 s at f/5 and 24 db gain
Custom stacking in HALCON
Post-processed in Registax and PixInsight
NGC 2392 (Eskimo Nebula)
NGC 2392 (Eskimo Nebula)
A planetary nebula, quite a small target. Taken on: 2013-12-05 02:30 UTC+1
Exposures: 60 x 5 sec at f/5 and 24 db gain
Custom stacking in HALCON
Post-processed in PixInsight
M1 (Crab Nebula)
M1 (Crab Nebula)
The remnant of the 1054 AD supernova. The actual stellar remnant is a neutron star, visible in the image near the center of the nebula as the fainter of a close pair of stars. Taken on: 2013-12-11 02:30 UTC+1
Exposures: 200 x 15 sec at f/5 and 24 db gain
Custom stacking in HALCON
Post-processed in PixInsight

Unless otherwise stated, all astrophotos were taken with a Celestron CPC 800 XLT (8″ f/10 SCT) using a Flea 3 camera (FL3-GE-13S2-C).